Lesson 6 Science and Health
Health and illness: to be healthy our body
must be functioning well. When our body stops functioning correctly or we
become out of balance we feel ill because of the symptoms (fever, pain,
coughing…) we show. There are two kind of illnesses:
a) Infectious illnesses: Transmitted by
infectious agents (Microscopic living things such as bacterias and Viruses)
that enter our body through the air or touching our mouth, eyes….
These infectious illneses can be contagious
(flu or cold) and non contagious (Tetanus or salmonellosis are caused by
b) Non- Infectious illnesses: by a variety of
Traumas: caused
by accidents (cuts, burns…).
Poisoning: When a
toxic substance enters your body.
Malnutrition and
Obesity caused by an inadequate nutrition.
Tumors and
cancer: caused by radiation, viruses or abnormally grown of cells.
diseases: caused by stress or unhealthy lifestyles.
Allergies: an
exaggerated reaction to a substance
Mental illnesses
such as depression.
diseases: inherited from our parents.